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helianthus tuberosus中文是什么意思

用"helianthus tuberosus"造句"helianthus tuberosus"怎么读"helianthus tuberosus" in a sentence


  • 菊芋,洋姜


  • Effects of chromium and aluminum stress on peroxidase isozyme in leaves of jerusalem artichoke helianthus tuberosus
  • Effects of seawater on photosynthesis and chlorophyll fluorescence in helianthus tuberosus seedlings in different regions
  • The irrigation with seawater had n ' t affected the inulin contents hi helianthus tuberosus ( l . ) tubers , and the contents of inulin in helianthus tuberosus ( l . ) were from about 40 % to 65 %
  • My experiment can mostly include two sections : the first one was a pot experiment which was carried out in the greenhouse to study the physiological responses of helianthus tuberosus l . seedlings to salt and water stress ; the second one was a field experiment which was carried out in laizhou , shandong province to study the effects of seawater irrigation on helianthus tuberosus l . and soil
  • The stem of helianthus tuberosus ( l . ) had the ability of containing high contents of na + and cl - , and selectively absorbed k + in high proportions seawater irrigation ; the above and tubers yields of helianthus tuberosus ( l . ) had n ' t decreased until at the 50 % proportions seawater irrigation where the yields decreased by 37 % and 32 % in contrast to freshwater - irrigated . it meant that through natural weather , reduction of yields was occurred by salinity of irrigation water but the reduction was not significant until the proportions of seawater in irrigation water were the same as 50 % or above it
    海水灌溉下,菊芋的茎部具有明显的贮cl ~ - 、 na ~ +能力,在高浓度海水灌溉下菊芋整个植株对k ~ +具有较高的选择吸收性;菊芋地上部和块茎产量在30海水处理范围内,没有减产趋势,在50海水灌溉下减产幅度分别为37和32 ;可见,正常自然条件下的海水灌溉,对产量的影响主要和灌溉水的浓度有关,但只有在50处理下才显著减产,低于50产量并无差异。
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